Take science education to the next level! We can come to your school as an “OUTREACH”, or you can book an “INREACH” program as an add-on to your museum field trip at the Science Spectrum. These programs will bring STEM curriculum to life for your students like nothing else!
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Our Outreach and Inreach programs can be tailored to your needs. Call us at 806-745-1216 ext. 224 or email stemprograms@sciencespectrum.org to inquire or to schedule a program today!
What’s the FabLab you say? The FabLab is an innovative STEAM education program that fosters creativity through hands-on experiences in a state-of-the-art makerspace, which can be utilized here at the Science Spectrum or brought directly to your location. Our program, designed for students in grades 3-12, empowers participants to explore technology through a range of tools, including computers, 3D printers, laser and vinyl cutters, robots, and more!
At FabLab, we provide a digital fabrication laboratory where students can learn, invent, and collaborate, making the world of technology accessible and inspiring innovation!
Equipment Used in the Fab Lab Includes:
3D Printers
3D Pens
Laser Cutter
Vinyl Cutter
ShopBot Handibot
Computers & Software
Robotics & Drones
Fun construction materials
Fab Lab Programs:
(90 minutes+) for up to 16 participants at a time. Students work individually to design, then fabricate a unique project. Examples of projects include; acrylic cells, gliders, rubber band racers, dinosaurs, key tags and nametags, vinyl stickers and t-shirt decals. Projects can also be tailored to individual needs.
(2 hours+) for up to 30 participants at a time. Students work in teams to design, prototype, and test projects to meet an Engineering challenge. Examples would include fabricating a bridge to maneuver a robot across a river, or a delivery system for a drone to deliver a package. Students will be given time to prototype, test, and then redesign their project to better complete the challenge.
FAB LAB is also available to come to your School Family Science or PTA Night, STEAM Events, & Community Festivals! We can set up quick, come-and-go style activities for large groups to enjoy.
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(30-45 minute programs/100 student max)
Restless Natives: This exciting and engaging program introduces students to the native animals of West Texas and Eastern New Mexico, including snakes, lizards, insects, and mammals.
Rainforest: This program offers students the opportunity to visit the world’s rainforests. Students will experience rainforest wildlife, learn about the important role the rainforest plays, and discuss rainforest preservation and resource conservation.
Snakes: Encounter snakes from all over the world while learning about diversity and the different adaptations each one has developed to survive in its own habitat.
Reptiles: This program allows students to have an up close and personal look at some of the Science Spectrum’s resident reptiles as they learn about their habitats, eating habits, and self-defenses.
Creepy Crawlers: They may be creepy, but they are critical parts of their ecosystems. In this programs, students get a fascinating peek into the small but powerful world of animals like insects, arachnids, and invertebrates.
Customize Your Show! Pick and choose what live animals you would like to include in your program. Please call ahead for a current list of available animals.
Do you have the Guts?: Learn the anatomy and physiology of human digestion. This one of a kind show is not for the weak stomached, as presenters go through step by step what happens to your food as it moves through the body. Guaranteed to have them talking for weeks! (Grades 2-12)
Astronauts In Space: A fun interactive way to learn if you’ve got the right stuff to be an astronaut. Students will learn about astronaut training and how astronauts function and survive in space, all while participating in a fun activity that will have them laughing with their friends!
Crazy Chemistry: This program presents the concepts of physical and chemical change and how energy involves these changes. Students will be able to observe examples of these changes in a fun, controlled environment.
Combustion: This program illustrates the basic principles of combustion. Students will learn what components are needed for the fire triangle and basic fire safety principles.
E is for Energy: What is energy and where does it come from? Learn the different forms of energy, their used, and how we can help conserve energy resources.
Electricity 101: This hair-raising, electrifying experience focuses on explaining to students how electricity is made and how it can be controlled to accomplish tasks. Students will have a shockingly good time. (Inreach Only)
Fire & Ice: This program combines the best of both SuperCold and Combustion! It introduces students to states of matter by exploring how changes in energy affect matter and how these changes are useful.
Forces & Motion: See hands-on science that helps explain the laws of physics. Understand the concepts of Newton’s Law through the application of force and gravity.
SuperCold: This program presents how the states and properties of matter are dependent on temperature. Topics like molecular energy, phase changes, and density are presented in an easy to understand and entertaining way.
Science of Sports: Did you know that sports are full of science? Students will hit it out of the park as they learn about the physics of basketball, football, and baseball!
Superhero Science: Most of us don’t have super power, but we can get pretty close with science! This program takes a look at students’ favorite super heroes and how their powers can be replicated with combustion, electricity, and liquid nitrogen.
(60 minute programs / 25 student max)
3,2,1 Liftoff!!! Have a blast as you learn about aerodynamics, the laws of gravity, and energy in this out of sight, amazing, hands-on experience! Each student will build, personalize, and launch their own model rocket!
A Curious Case of CSI: This class is an introduction to the world of forensic science and molecular biology. Students will process cells and extract DNA like real crime scene investigators. This program requires little previous knowledge but does call for attention and focus.
Electricity & Magnetism: This electrifying educational program is sure to shock your students! See how electricity and magnetism are not polar opposites in a safe classroom style program with one of our Science Spectrum educators.Explore the scientific phenomenon of magnetism through hands-on examples. Students will learn basic magnetic principles, as well as complex applications of this property.
Design Your Own Workshop with Personalized Programming: Don’t see a subject area covered here? We can create a program just for you! (Please make reservations for personalized workshops a minimum of 3 weeks in advance to allow for full curriculum development.)
Crazy Chemistry: This program presents the concepts of physical and chemical change and how energy involves these changes. Students will create changes in matter with a hands-on application to understanding crazy chemistry!
Flight Fanatics: Can’t get enough of airplanes? Join us for Flight Fanatics where you’ll not only learn about aerodynamics and flight, but test out the Science Spectrum’s paper plane launcher!
Grossology: Are your students fascinated by all things gross? Then this is the program for you! We’ll examine wounds, learn about bodily functions, and even make a fun gross surprise to take home!
Inside Out: Dissection without all the fuss! Let us bring the biology lesson of your choice to you! Choose from Worm, Cow Eye, Starfish, Pig, Heart, Frog, and Shark dissections. Want to understand biology with a younger audience? We have gummy worm dissections for younger ages!
Pond Water Tour: Using qualitative chemistry and field testing, students will perform environmental quality testing on a local water body. Students will learn to determine the health of a water body and correlate how extrinsic factors can have detrimental effects on these delicate life systems.
Nano: The Science of Small Things: Ready to tackle nanoscience hands-on? Just because we can’t see nano with our eyes, doesn’t mean that it isn’t all around us! Students will explore what nano is, where to find it, and how it is being used by scientists.
Storybook Science: Use your favorite classic storybooks as a jumping point to teach young students about STEM subjects! Examples include The Three Little Pigs (Engineering/Building), The Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar (Math/Biology), and other books available upon request! (Pre-K – 2nd Grade)
NEW! Astronauts in Space: Explore life in space! Students get an up-close look at astronaut food, experience how astronauts work in space, learn about stars, and gain a better understanding of the physics of space.
NEW! Holiday Science: It’s always the season for science! From oozing pumpkins to swirling snow, our holiday programs are sure to engage and delight! Current programs include: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Winter/Christmas, and Valentine’s Day.
NEW! Animal Adaptations: The world of animals is incredibly diverse and sometimes strange! Students learn how animals’ special characteristics, such as camouflage or type of beak, help them survive in the wild.
NEW! Engineering: The world is full of problems, but we can engineer solutions! This program teaches students the engineering design process and gives them the opportunity to build a problem-solving invention.